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Monika Baron

Monika Baron

공인 전문가

  • Monika
  • 부인. Monika BARON

    Practitioner (레벨 1)

    Pilates Terapist
    전문 분야
    주의력, 학습, 말하기 및 언어, 감정 조절, 운동 기술 및 협응, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애, 학업 기술
    고객 프로파일
    아동, 청소년, 성인, 노인
    영어 (English), 프랑스어 (French), 독일어 (German), 폴란드어 (Polish)

    I am the a specialist of the Pilates method and wellness coach. For many years I have been working with children and adults who have posture defects and back problems. I work with physiotherapists and psychologists who send their patients to me. These are often people with disorders of sensory integration and deep feeling. I work with them using the Pilates method as well as the Tomatis method. I also created the Corpolates program, which is aimed at people working long hours in front of the computer. It is a wellbeing program that improves well-being and fitness at work. I plan to combine my Corpolates program with hearing training using Forbrain headphone.


Monika Baron

프랙티셔너 (레벨 1)

Na Malé Šárce 752 Praha-Nebušice 16400 République tchèque
16400 Praha-Nebušice

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연락처 : +48608357501

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