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Tomatis San Diego and the Therapeutic Learning Center

Tomatis San Diego and the Therapeutic Learning Center

Our establishment

Tomatis San Diego and the Therapeutic Learning Center

Tomatis San Diego:
We provide the Tomatis Method of Sound Therapy to clients of all ages.

Therapeutic Learning Center:
At TLC we specialize in helping children and adults that struggle with learning challenges related to reading, writing, math, executive functions, sensory modulation/regulation and social skills. By identifying and treating underlying processing skills, we get to the CAUSE of the difficulty to create long lasting change. We have therapies helping our clients overcome ADHD, Dyslexia, Auditory Processing Disorders (APD), Sensory Modulation Disorders, Specific Learning Disorders (NOS) and many unidentified challenges and disabilities.

공인 전문가

  • Maria
  • 미스. Maria BAGBY

    Consultant (레벨 4)

    APD and Learning Specialist
    전문 분야
    주의력, 학습, 말하기 및 언어, 감정 조절, 운동 기술 및 협응, 자폐 스펙트럼 장애, 학업 기술
    고객 프로파일
    아동, 청소년, 성인, 노인
    영어 (English), 스페인어 (Spanish)

    Founder and Executive Director of the Therapeutic Learning Center and Clinical Director of APD Specialty Group serving children and adults in the San Diego area and remotely throughout the USA.  We have extensive experience working with a wide range of issues including but not limited to Auditory Processing Disorder (APD), Sensory Integration, ADHD, Dyslexia, Autism, Dysgraphia, and speech and language development.

    MA degrees in Assessment, Reading and Teaching/Learning. Experience as a teacher, curriculum leader, teacher development and trainer, special education leader and reading specialist. 


Tomatis San Diego and the Therapeutic Learning Center

컨설턴트 (레벨 4)

990 Highland Drive Ste. 106A
92075 Solana Beach

전화 번호 보기

연락처 : (858) 668-8366

사이트 : http://www.tomatissandiego.com

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