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Monika Baron

Monika Baron

Professionnel(s) certifié(s)

  • Monika
  • Mme. Monika BARON

    Praticien (niveau 1)

    Pilates Terapist
    Attention, Apprentissage, Voix et langage, Contrôle des émotions, Motricité et coordination, Troubles du spectre autistique, Performances académiques
    Profil de la clientèle
    Enfants, Adolescents, Adultes, Seniors
    Anglais, Français, Allemand, Polonais

    I am the a specialist of the Pilates method and wellness coach. For many years I have been working with children and adults who have posture defects and back problems. I work with physiotherapists and psychologists who send their patients to me. These are often people with disorders of sensory integration and deep feeling. I work with them using the Pilates method as well as the Tomatis method. I also created the Corpolates program, which is aimed at people working long hours in front of the computer. It is a wellbeing program that improves well-being and fitness at work. I plan to combine my Corpolates program with hearing training using Forbrain headphone.

Nous contacter

Monika Baron

Praticien (Niveau 1)

Na Malé Šárce 752 Praha-Nebušice 16400 République tchèque
16400 Praha-Nebušice
République tchèque

Joindre par téléphone

Téléphone : +48608357501