Παράκαμψη προς το κυρίως περιεχόμενο

Pauline Kaldeway

Pauline Kaldeway

Περιγραφή του κέντρου

Pauline Kaldeway

Pauline Kaldeway is a certified Special Education Teacher and Listening Therapy Consultant located in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. Inspired by the presence of Paul Madaule's Listening Centre in Toronto as well as the research and writing of Norman Doidge in his most recent book,The Brain's Way of Healing (2016), Pauline has chosen to open a Listening Therapy practice in Belleville.


Πιστοποιημένοι Επαγγελματίες

  • Pauline
  • Κα.. Pauline Kaldeway

    Σύμβουλος (επίπεδο 3)

    Teacher and Listening Therapy Consultant
    Πεδίο Εφαρμογής
    Προσοχή, Μάθηση, Ομιλία και Γλώσσα, Διαχείριση Συναισθημάτων, Κινητικές Δεξιότητες και Συντονισμός , Διαταραχές του Φάσματος του Αυτισμού, Ακαδημαϊκές δεξιότητεs
    Παιδιά, Έφηβοι, Ενήλικες, Ηλικιωμένοι
    Η εμπειρία σας

    Pauline Kaldeway’s 33 years of teaching experience in Ontario schools and 9 years as a Special Education Resource Teacher and Listening Therapy Practitioner enable her to bring about a deep understanding and commitment to the learning concerns and emotional well-being of individuals and families. Through an individualized approach, Pauline utilizes the Tomatis Method to facilitate specific listening programs and tools to target areas of the body and brain leading to improved confidence, communication, and learning.


Pauline Kaldeway

Σύμβουλος (επίπεδο 3)

252 George Street
K8N 3H6 Belleville

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Τηλέφωνο : 613 438-5244